There are many meditation techniques, but basically all involve the detachment of consciousness from it’s usual objects. Here are several types of meditation
- Active Visualisation
- Active Focus
- Detachment and Centering in Pure Consciousness
- Offering up to the Supreme
Meditation in World Religion |
Types of Meditation
Active Visualisation
Very popular in the New Age movement. Involves directing positive imagery and emotions
The Inner Smile Taoist Meditation by Master Mantak Chia |
Active Focus (One-pointedness)
Patanjali (Raja) yoga, some Buddhist meditations, Mantra yoga (when done properly)
Focusing the attention in a single point
Detachment and Centering in Pure Consciousness
When thoughts arise one realises that they are not a part of oneself. Just as passing clouds don’t touch the blueness of the sky, tho they might veil it, thoughts pass across the Consciousness (the awareness, the “I”) can’t affect it. You are not your thoughts – you are the observer of your thoughts
An exercise:
When you have some time and won’t be disturbed, just sit down in a comfortable position, (back straight helps but not essential) and just focus on that realisation, be aware that u are the WATCHER, the OBSERVER, and just hold that detachment as long as u can….
When thoughts arise you just watch each one without getting caught up in it, until it passes and a new one comes up, & so on until finally they stop coming up and then suddenly for a moment there’s nothing but this amazing stillness and vastness…..
Who are You?
The Buddhist Practice of Mindfullness
The Collective Effect of Meditation
The Maharishi Effect |
Active and Passive Meditation
Active verses Passive Meditation in Judaic KabbalahRabbi Yossi Markel | Active verses Passive MeditationProfessor Tom Hickey |
Meditation in the Eastern Traditions
Buddhist Meditation | Mindfulness (Buddhist Meditation) | Confucian Meditation |
Taoist Meditation | Jain Meditation | Meditation in the Upanishads |
Links |
The Mystery Of Meditation – Dinu Roman – a synthesis of the traditional teachings about meditation. Does not give specific meditation techniques but rather a good general overview and introduction